What’s My Story


I believe that Life’s richness is found in the ordinary and in the unexpected. I am fuelled by a passion for discovering connections and stories revealed in everyday bits and pieces, in wrinkles and facial expressions.

I am an artist from Ste. Rose-du-Lac Manitoba who made the decision to trade in my jobs for a tiny toolbox of barbed needles that fits in my pocket.

You’ll most often find me surrounded by mounds of wool, using my barbed wands to sculpt faces. We have conversations as they introduce themselves to me and assert their personality.

I’ve found it best to be open and work with the will of the materials, allowing myself to be receptive to the push and pull of the wool, sculpting intuitively to give voice to the spiritual elements within. The creation feels like a collaboration.

There is a certain insistence in their being, whether as an individual or an expression of humanity.    I am still discovering what my faces have to say.

People. Process. Pit stops. Nothing exists in isolation.

Wool batts, roving, foam and needles, shepherds, spinners, dyers, artists, family, sculptors, nature, friends, photography, patience, shared knowledge, trees, tension, zen, laughter, listening, brooding, writing, reading, music, risk, redo, paint, bandaids, joy, treasures, discoveries …

Everyday I take a stab at it.  I attempt to be brave and curious.

Artist Rosemarie Péloquin needle-felting a 3D face with white natural wool; sitting at a table in improvised studio at Falcon Trails Resort residency. photo: Emily Christie

I don’t get to do this alone.  There are so many people I want you to meet.  Every day offers me glimpses of meaning, hope and inspiration I’d like to share, questions I want to ask, treasures I want to tease out.  Join me in my musings. You will find links to the blog posts on the Home page.

 Artist Statement

In my latest needle felted works Vis à Vis, I harness the malleability and texture of wool to create figures paused in mid-thought. Using barbed wands, I sculpt portraits that represent character rather than physical likeness, fragile moments intended to tug at remembrances. The artwork comes alive through our individual experiences.  Viewers come face to face with their own stories, memories, relationships, wishes, and fears, as they interpret the expression and their connection to it.

My work emerges from my interior design background, experiences in my career with Parks Canada and La Société franco-manitobaine, teaching, coaching, travel, home and family.

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